Aisha Sasha John (from I have to live) / Steven Alvarez (jars) / Samuel Ace (Three) / Nora Iuga (Two) / Cole Swensen (from Lisa Robertson: Seven Walks) / Lysette Simmons (Coming Up on the Downstroke) / Iris Cushing (Love Jingles) / Kyle Booten (Two) / Logan Fry (Nepotism Differential) / Javier Zamora (Two) / Susanne Eules (Grand Narrative of a Field Trip) / Khadijah Queen (Three) / Amanda Nadelberg (Kennebunk, Kennebunkport) / Henry Israeli (The Fate of a Boisterous City) / Tom Paine (Coffee Cup) / Elizabeth Robinson (Two) / Andrew Colarusso (Scofield Thayer) / M. Mack / (Three) / Elizabeth Fodaski (Two) / Davy Knittle (almanac) / Michael Aird (Tailings) / Anaïs Duplan (Six-Foot Rosemary: A Cycle) / Laura Ferris (Mr. Joo's Ms. Tae) / Debora Kuan (Portrait of Leah) / Eugene Ostashevsky (Three) / Nikki-Lee Birdsey (Foreign & Domestic) / Bree Sheaffer ((and from me)) / Daniel Poppick (Pink Stones) / Barbara Claire Freeman (Call Me When You Get There)
Editor's Note
Dave King (The Stamp Collector) / Emily Abendroth (from Sousveillance Pageant) / Angel Dominguez (Somnambulisms II: Dzonot Shard for Xix) / Dermot O'Sullivan (Marescence) / Ed Bok Lee (Fragment of CIV)
Andrea Lawlor & Trey Sager (Other Worlds) / M. Milks (Germ Camp) / Nathaniel Mackey (from Late Arcade) / Elizabeth Breazeale (Mummy, Girl, Flesh, Bone) / Kathryn Davis (from The Silk Road) / Kathryn Davis & Rav Grewal-Kök (Against Illusion: A Conversation with Kathryn Davis) / Metta Sáma (Six) / Michael Holt (The Seaside Hotel) / Brenda Iijima (from Provisional Autonomies & Oceans)