EIGHT FISH UNDER WATER A very tricky enemy. Pride is a foreground-background illusion. We swim in it, but its waves flatten perspective. To make the shape of fish I must know fish. To know water as home, I make that shape as well. Hint of wave, imagined against a line, fin, a bell, […]
A Last Day in Oakland
Achtung called it and that would be the last word referring to algae in Albany Bulb inclementing, exponential tenaments — also clams, barnacles, soft bodies that dents soma response to soma. Miles away a man known as my boss eats Louisiana Clams. Pounds of clams scattering light. Magnet filings, roving static, infinitesimal masses on a […]
I am living in a hotel because I argued with my husband. The argument started after a commercial for a robot that cares for the elderly. The ad tried to make it seem like the elderly couldn’t tell the difference, but these machines looked noth- ing like people. I turned to my husband and said, […]
Two Poems from the Fence book LIKE YOU – Winner of the 2020 Ottoline Prize
A PAIR OF AIRS For Summer, from Winter A little bird said you’re thinking of me. I get wild with torture, poor chickadee. Should I warm to a halo or an angel in the snow? Summertime, I’m afraid I don’t remember how. Here is a snowflake that looks like a lover swaying […]
The Room of Escape & Leisure
The lights are always on in the room of escape & leisure. If you’re passing by, you might mistake it for the dim glow of a falling miracle. On its wall, a woman with her baby and goat sit still on their knees looking up towards the sky painted in watercolors. They pray in […]
It was because of Alex that my own obsession with her, one that I could call my own and not his, grew, because when he watched Donna the way he did I wanted to know what it was about her, and so I watched her, too, and I watched him watching her—the way he found […]