Talkin bout black metul in Welch theatur lisning to blewz
you grow uh beard to protect yr tie
we eat thin pizza with kripul krow
we smell the flowerz and listin to the blewz
it iz hard to beat uh floot
wat does uh percussiv floot sound like
99% uv peepul name coconut as percussiv fruit
the Duped Delight video claimz JFK as dummee
before he waz shot he wuz uh dummee
he had strings around hiz thumbs
color therapy: red with green yellow with purple blue with orange
color therapy: scorched & dustee green-gold yellow-gold & pink-gold
space therapy: using nine fingurz on each hand including the spaces
the alps: souped poles in a beer garden
the art uv spayshus living: uh sigh from deep in the belee sumtimz uh groan