15 January 2018, 9:05 am
Later on, or in another book, there’ll be a video of me walking around the Musée d’Orsay & you can click play to roll the footage & you can watch & you can listen to the everyday sounds of a museum as you read this & in that way, you will have gone further than the text, that is to say you have gone even further than its author, whose function, in the original Latin, is transference
I heard that
People don’t write
So much as they move
Image & word around
As my inbox will tell you, I somehow subscribed to something called the Quora Digest, a recurring crowd-sourced message thread described by its website as “a place to share knowledge & better understand the world” whose subject titles I browse but which I have yet to open
How do I say “I got on the bus” in Spanish?
Why is Spanish spoken in Brazil so different & unintelligible?
Why is peeing in the shower so controversial?
How do Italian restaurants make that good tomato sauce?
How cool is Brooklyn?
How do you keep somebody talking?
If some words are interchangeable, what is the point of keeping them all?
What is a fruit that starts with P?
When will lunch stop being free at Google?
Why do steaks at high-end restaurants taste so different from other steaks?
Why are front-row guests asked to uncross their legs at a fashion show?
Does coffee taste different if you add sugar first & then cream, or cream first & then sugar?
Should I tell my neighbor that law enforcement bugged his apartment?
How “dark” exactly is the dark web?
Do people not wear shoes in Swedish houses?
Were medieval knights athletic?
What is the dumbest thing a customer has ever done to escape the room?
If I fired a bullet at spinning helicopter blades, what are the odds the bullet makes contact?
As any mathematician or chef de cuisine recognizes, the more you begin to itemize materials or ingredients, the more you will begin to see a recipe or model develop, or emerge
The Musée d’Orsay was once a train station, constructed for the 1900 World Fair in Paris, just as today’s movies were once real life
A book that begins as a B side
Me Inside Here
Don’t You Want To
So Deep, So Tortured, So Freak
(They call this “reassembled settings”)
As anyone who has ever watched the sunset from the window seat
Of a soaring F train east of South Slope
The most important thing is to really break
Up your face
One user cautions another user
In a YouTube tutorial
(Some of this is suggestive)
As any reader of The Da Vinci Code prequel can tell you, antimatter is both optically unavailable & omnipresent. The dark, undetectable entity is said to be “the most powerful energy source known to man”
(Black lipstick, black eyeliner, clear tape, scissors, some glitter)
In the mirror, I am
Wearing a light red
Shirt-dress & running my hand
Down my abdomen
What’s the difference between making & marking marking & marketing marketing & markup language
Keywords: system, tagging, structure, instructions, electronic transmission, display
(They call this “epidermal thinking”)
My phone is
Right now
Suggesting an emoji
As I am
Thinking of the difference
Between first-date conversation & conversation
At customs
Considering a certain lack
Wanting so bad
To be the swab
On my own bare hands
My neck, the back
Of my ankles
The back of my knees
The hard
To reach places
What do you do for a living?
What is the purpose of your stay?
Are you bringing any goods in with you?
A reader who pretended to not ever have seen my likeness before once told me to my face they could tell I was very attractive just by the way I wrote or really what it is I didn’t write. They said no one so ugly would ever describe themselves in such an ugly way. What I would have liked to say back to them that is to say back to their face is doesn’t everyone have
The right to debase
Themselves in public
In the spring of 1918 I lived in an attic in Bordeaux, drafting a novel about a communications device that could also project visuals from around the world, like a film, except in color & with sound, & these images could be contributed by anyone. I spent the evenings turning shadows into strangers with a lantern & a mechanical bird that I’d have to re-wind after every act, because I had gone nowhere & having gone nowhere, I had exactly nothing to show for it. (It was difficult to forget where the draft ends & this begins.) Wind chimes from an open window underneath me & the constant drift of the Garonne which I could only imagine amplified the mood. I, too, was affected. When asked to produce a diaristic account on Moscow for an esteemed travel journal, I devoted the first six pages to my youth in Berlin
Some things come out
Of order if they
Come at all
As someone (but I forgot who) said it is easy to be a communist as a millionaire in Paris
The perfect movie would insert documentary footage uncontrollably or arbitrarily, moving from such found footage to the real world of fake characters. The result would not be a movie but a life
This is why nobody has to be an actor to die on set
16 January 2018, 11:22 am
the scene repeats itself nine times
Sophie Calle speaks of a man who, between nine & noon, would watch her strip, sitting in the far left of the room. At noon he would take a razor blade from his pocket & without breaking eye contact, begin to meticulously slice up the illustrations he’d drawn of her, exiting the studio, leaving Sophie Calle with the pieces of herself, strewn over the floor like confetti
This scene repeated itself nine times
What happened on the tenth? I think now, like I thought then
If I could write back to the anonymous admirer I would write back
In fact the generational permutations are a result of my running out
Of ink in my printer
(Only when you enjoy taking selfies will you have the confidence to take more, she explained. & only when you look pretty will you enjoy taking selfies.)
If you were looking outside right now you’d enjoy
A blue like blue French gas station
Jumpsuits Or the workers who wear them
To change the shape of a face requires cutting into the jawbone & I couldn’t
Decide whether resting my left arm or my right on the table better conveyed
“Maximum desperation"
Just re-read the poem
I type out & hit send
When I re-read
I like to read
From the email I write to you
Rather than my own document
That way it already accrues migratory meaning
Poems to be
Looked at rather
Than read
Poems to be read rather than poems
To be listened to
Poems like a feedback loop
(Each time something plays back differently)
Change dress shirt to shirt-dress
Poems that move off the page
(Use doctor
As a verb
More often)
She said with a certain satisfaction
Which I will not pretend
To re-create here
You must feed them & encourage them & figure out what they like, even before they do
(The nurse said that the phone had automatically upgraded me)
Like anyone else
I began with no memory
Another way of saying this is saying
Meet me halfway
The problem with novels or one
Problem is the fact that nothing ever happens
Inside novels Unlike real life
Where probably there is no room
Even for pauses if one
Were promising to get it
All down in one sitting
In an interview I don’t remember having I tell the interviewer that being so much a voyeur myself I wanted to re-create my everyday experience for readers who come to this book even (casually
Insert the word jettisoned
During the intermission)
There is something in every novel that inevitably fails because it was telegraphed the moment it was written & we can understand its predictability or identify its pattern of behavior in retrospect if not also in the moment that we read it. & yet I want a book with only moments of non-encounters. I want a book that keeps waiting. & in waiting, accumulates desire
I guess I am saying a book should be an airport
Writing a novel is like writing a poem, without the surprise. I’m thinking now of the reader & the writer
T said the most beautiful works deplete or eat
Information at regulated intervals I think
The best books or the most beautiful ones actually erase
Their authors To be revealed via
The repetition of reading or in the structure
Of the text G said something similar
Minus something which I will not reproduce
Here Think of repetition always
As a way to achieve flow
(The scene repeats itself nine times)
On the tenth, I am still waiting to be held or had
A friend
Says he knows a poem is done
Like he feels a steak on his hand
If he were with me
I’d ask what about
The cut
19 September 2018, 2:50 pm
Herald Square
mine to want
Sections of this notebook have become too polished. Signals a lack of confidence or certitude in the project. Or my own fancy for performative imperfections. The crack in the form that indicates a faultline between story & discourse
(really into fisting cashews at the moment)
the interest in resuscitating
certain words
the interest in straining
one’s pants
The music which corduroys make when one moves, the smell of the cigarette but also the mouth which exhales it / Seeking a proper ventilation which would please all
a delight formed in the provision of giving
“selflessly” so as to decline all
responsibility for pleasure received
(make a list of words
that are no longer with us)
to stand like happiness upon a ball
to play with words with a certain violence
so as not to forget your face I saw it full
of data & when I look again
the man is chewing his leather
wallet rather than his steak / this tendency of mine
to want to be wherever &
all the time penetrated
by different forms
of fantasy
no telling what marvels
in the unremembered
involuntarily imagining my own slow electrical striptease
& your voice-over to viewers
it was kinda a lot
wasn’t it give me
indefinite over infinite give me
everything as incomplete
a benedictine bottle’s gradual uncorking
the necktie which owes its elegance
to a certain thickness
in the neck itself only,
the plum still
has to avoid being eaten
oscillating density = liberty of indifference & yet
some asses were made for cinematic blossoming
concept of the “round trip”
an obsession with the mechanical
interest of grinding chocolate
as seen from the city street
repetition always
breeds “taste”
it sometimes takes
years it took me
some days the dissolve
is harder to fake
escape to the restroom
C relates to me at the department’s welcome back event how he had fallen out of his creaming routine before my abbreviated response, so as to escape to the restroom to record this
(C writes interactively / the reader works connections in order to make the text work)
the goal or challenge of the notebook:
evoke a personage that you yourself don’t know
yet observes you & is the repository of your confession
the decentering of granting myself
a capital letter
several papers strewn
across the Fulton Street
stairwell & my urge
for collecting them
can I touch it (as a title?)
the goal or challenge of the notebook:
to be the author of one’s own death
(like Goethe becomes
upon authorial effacement
in translation)
can’t help thinking of cloud sharing as a form of visitation of the Holy Ghost: the Pentecostal descent of visual communion
can’t help thinking of things to be looked at with a single I
9 November – 14 November 2018, 10:11 am
Oradell & Midwood & Greenwich Village
I am having one of those
Nicolas Cage keeps waking up
in different moments of despair
certain facts bend
everyone is always sighing
in fiction / 3 sighs every 2 pages
no longer a question as to why
I no longer write fiction
I hear the prisoner
begins to yearn for interrogation
because the interrogator is the only human being
who talks to you as a human being
alternate titles to this entry included
my neighbor, my informer
no one was there. everyone had gone shopping
(the day the Walls fell, the DDR, in an effort to keep its citizens in the East, gave each one 100 marks & told them to spend the day in the West)
I am having another one of those
time interferences, where all the past
leaks out the way once a body
becomes ritual it is
possible to hear all
of its shapes
(I am playing that game
again where
I pretend to be your mouth
so I can feel myself inside)
the lips
that kiss
people vaping are like inhaling the Internet via usbs
each gust of cool breath is another hit
to the bandwidth I paid more for
not all touches are created equal
a curator lamenting someone’s tumble
against a Warhol before the retrospective had even opened
another fact:
the hole reserved for the Whitney saved all the merchants in the West Village
the hole, I’ve been told, ate up all the water
A reporter tells me that the number of missing is expected to feed the dead. They say the dead will be fed on the missing. And that’s what is most terrifying. That’s what we are fearing the most. How the missing might be found in the mouth of the dead. How often what’s gone becomes irretrievable. How often or inevitable I am thinking, as the fire continues to eat itself across a coast. It’s been seven days. But I know that it began much earlier than just last week. And I know it will last; it will be with us and for us; it will never leave
While writing, I was reading
- ■ Memorias del Subdesarrollo, by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea (film)
- ■ Graveyard of Good Times, by Brandon Can’t Dance (album)
- ■ "MakeUp Tutorial: HOW TO HIDE FROM CAMERAS,” by Jillian Mayer (video)
- ■ “Moscow,” by Walter Benjamin and translated by Edmund Jephcott (essay)
- ■ Masculin Féminin, by Jean Luc Godard (film)
- ■ Voyeur by Josh Koury and Myles Kane (TV)
- ■ The Writings of Marcel Duchamp, by Marcel Duchamp (book)
- ■ Conversations with Eckermann 1823-1832, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and translated by John Oxenford (book)
- ■ Mandy, by Panos Cosmatos (film)
- ■ Le Bureau des Légendes, by Eric Rochant (TV)
Chris Campanioni was born in Manhattan in 1985 and grew up in a very Nineties New Jersey. He is the recipient of the Academy of American Poets College Prize and the International Latino Book Award. His poem “This body’s long (& I’m still loading)” was adapted as an official selection of the Canadian International Film Festival, his multimedia work has been exhibited at the New York Academy of Art, and his essays, poetry, and fiction have been translated into Spanish and Portuguese. Find more at chriscampanioni.com and say hi at chriscampanioni@gmail.com