“What good is time to a text?” she tried to ask the critic.
“To a check?”
“No, well, also yes. To a text, I said. It’s not that I don’t believe you, trust me, I’m slightly dyslexic, it takes me a while to read, but I’m not convinced that this whole ‘sentential temporality’ thing is a given, but I’ll agree that it takes a moment to turn a page.”
“I think you’re missing the point,” he missed her point.
The critic leaned over, knuckles clammy as they knocked against her wrist, his arm having moved to the side of her chair, and whispered, “philosophy introduces us into spiritual life. And at the same time, it shows us the relation of the life of spirit to the life of the body.”xiv
Spirits! “Existential thinking is no excuse for mentalism, dualism! Existence isn’t a two-for-one!”
You can’t just cherry pick from half-forgotten theory to suit your half-formed needs! they both yelled at each other.