Once upon a time there was a queen, but she didn’t have anything, any chairs.
She didn’t have any books.
She didn’t have any children.
All she had was a coat and a crown.
Then finally she got some chairs, and then she got some tables.
Then she got a tunnel.
Then she got a building.
Then she got a playground in her house with sand in it.
Then she had a dog in her house.
Then she got some rain in her house.
Then the queen had some children, but she didn’t like her children too much.
That’s just because her children weren’t nice to her.
So she decided to cut their heads off.
But she decided she shouldn’t do that.
Then she thought she should do it.
Then she decided that she really, really, really should do it.
She really thought she shouldn’t do it.
Then she started to like her children very much.
Then she decided she would kiss them.
Then she wanted to marry one of her children.
Then she thought that she should marry the clouds.
Then she thought that she should marry the grass.
Then she thought that she should marry her name.
Then she thought that she should marry nothing.