a pleasure & a
torture courtesan in me a
snake with enviable bells
of culture dried
thing in
that reputation beg
ging noticed avoided wearing
comfortable guarantee & forced to
currency of drink to the winds would you come
gold & layered pro
gramming which a essence a
sailors fleet our liabili
ty the sun repeats a scene
as a measure they die tall
godlike figures of nothing ness
the bot
tle finding your childs forgotten
standing inde in front finite are now
raised memo black ries
skirt lip board & spice
museum of mildness & closure guy
a degree of review a hole taken in
in a fence the mouth nice e
nough place scouring the retired
s e x streets practicalities an emp
ty the version scared train
station unattractive a
name looks good in
the ocean from behind follo
wing whats inarticulate we get so
phisticated long & agree
that when a bonfire formali
sms influ the blue goes
ence charm & if his
jeans are turned feet toward
pretence he arent we the too sweet re
al thoughts of marjan rozanc thing
on keeping michelangelo distrac
ted going solving my bath
in a red milk taxi
ta foaming o the glass ver
the endurable hey mysteries
latents felons come to how
the long
evenings the dj or
the wet his song on by definiti
on unfree no mor
ning rocks merely bodied without
them crack & a feeling of
texture swallows safety pregnant yet
looking to annoy the cinna
mon promise the mountains mascu
linity veering west the short of its
the one who sells irons breaks through
the still window ac
cepting a need the commis
sion keeps growing
machines in trust in grease they seem hun
gry dreds time to like chooks with one claws debt
guilt fell swoop turn & wha
tevers in me
troubled in kee
pers corners of the faith in excess