Mythic arena red planet hot heart with spear and shield — Reports
of barrenness may have been overstated life springs
unlikely or sprang recently enough suggests it could spring
on mars again — Imagine ice caps melt imagine flowing red
good blood new moon lifeforce in place pull something
from the belly of this angry boulder my body not celestial
distant world still born round red parched womb
named for war — I pull what no one knew could grow in me
to me hips wet hands waiting — It comes into view
Reading Note:
A class I’m teaching on prose poetry led me to reread Haryette Mullen’s Sleeping with the Dictionary. From there, I launched into a sort of Mullen craze, and right now I’m rereading Muse & Drudge, which is rich with intelligence, rage, defiant hopefulness, and sensuality. I find myself as a Black woman all over Mullen's pages. As a poet, I find a challenge to be bolder and smarter in my use of language.
Fall Poetry Album Links:
Table of Contents * Kaitlyn Airy * Stephen Danos * Haley Joy Harris * Tommy O'Rourke * Eric Pankey * Max Schliecher * Ken Walker